The PEST Control Association Of Malaysia (PCAM) was formed in 1994. Being the only official Association for the Pest Control Industry, the PCAM is the official communication link between the Pest Control Operators or also now known as Pest Managers and national/ state legislators and regulatory agencies.
In our efforts to help you do your job more efficiently and with fewer regulatory encumbrances, we ensure your concern receive the attention and consideration you deserve.


  • To promote the interests and the general welfare of all our member.
  • To conduct and promote scientific, technical and business research and application.
  • To promote a broader understanding and acceptance of the Pest control industry towards the betterment of the health, comfort, safety and convenience of the public and industries.
  • To encourage, establish and maintain high standards of safety competence, knowledge and performance.
  • To encourage and established ethical methods of competition.
  • To cooperate with Federal, State and Local Government authorities for the good of the community and the Pest Control Industry.
  • To cooperate with scientific and educational institutions in matters of interest of the Pest Control Industry.
  • To disseminate by all appropriate means, accurate knowledge and information with respect to the Pest Control Industry to the general public.
  • To promote a closer and friendlier relationship among those engaged in the industry.


  1. To uphold the standards of this Association.
  2. To hold our industry in high esteem and strive to enhance its prestige.
  3. To maintain high company standards of moral responsibility, character and business integrity. To practice fairness, frankness and honest in all advertising and in all transaction with the general public.
  4. To keep the needs of our clients always uppermost.
  5. To know the accurate costs of all services performed and responsibilities assured in the prevention, control, elimination or management of pests and demonstrate a determination to recoup those costs and to profit from the effect.
  6. To render pest control services safely and efficiently in keeping with good practices and to observe them in both letter and spirit.
  7. To perfect our skills and business practices. To cooperate with others in the interchange of knowledge and ideals for mutual benefit.
  8. To respect the reputation and practice of other pest control operators but to expose to the Association without hesitation, illegal or unethical conduct of other companies.
The Executive Committee of The Pest Control Association of Malaysia by resolution shall established and may from time to time amend the interpret a code of Ethics for members, continuing adherence to which shall be required of all members of the Association.